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Thursday, April 22, 2010

If Earth Day Mattered

Hi folks,

Bit more news on the writing front. My short story, Your Mental Superhero, will be published this fall in the Airborne Anthology by Third Person Press. Amazingly, this makes 6 short (literary) stories of mine slated for publication this year, in addition to my novel. When it rains...

Also, my annual earth day rant is up at The Coast - click the picture below for that:

Also, click this next picture for a recent column on an inspiring movement toward real change, one town/neighbourhood at a time:


Friday, April 09, 2010

Writing Stuff

Hey folks, great news:

Yesterday I signed a contract with Nimbus Publishing to write my first nonfiction book, which is currently titled Green Soul: a tour through the lives of Atlantic Canada's sustainable trailblazers. It will come out in September 2011.

Also, I've been doing some writing on Silver Donald Cameron's new project, The Green Interview. It's a subscription website but if you're keen to be a smarter mammal I highly recommend it. The site features one-hour interviews with the most brilliant, radical thinkers of our time (including the man who sounded the climate change alarm, the woman who fights bio-pirates in India, and the man who fights illegal whaling operations worldwide). Click the picture below to take a gander:

Speaking of Green Interviews, I interviewed Jim Merkel, author of Radical Simplicity, when he was in Nova Scotia last week. You can see my column on him by clicking this picture:

And, uh, here are three other columns I didn't get a chance to post until now:

1) War on Earth: Against the people's wishes, governments and the war industry choose destruction over protection:

2) Gas tax dodge: Sin taxes on driving, meant to be spent on green initiatives, are instead going to build more roads:

3) More Jobs Per Green Buck: If the Nova Scotian government seeks to bring balance to the budget, it must let the funds flow to green infrastructure: