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Friday, December 22, 2006

Other People's Pictures

Here is a woman walking down a dirt road in Ghana. Much like the road to our house. Note how red the soil is.

A Ghanaian taxi. They vary greatly in terms of state of disrepair and you always negotiate your price before going. Many interesting cab drivers we've had.

The insanity is Kaneshie Market, a shotr bus ride from our house (depending on traffic). It's a market and trotro (bus) station rolled into one. You need all your faculties to navigate nevermind shop.

And the last is a blue trotro. People do not ride on top but cargo is loaded on top and in the back. Generally you get 18 passengers or so, depending on the size and how it's been retrofitted. From our house to the main trotro station we go to, the fare is 3,000 cedis or 36 cents. From Accra to the town of Ho, a 2.5-3 hour trip to the capital of the Volta region, the fare is 30,000 cedis = $3.60.

Yes, these are other people's pictures but thought they might help you get a picture of what things are like here.


Anonymous said...

Nice Blog, some interesting info and thoughts, a bit radical for me at times but thats ok.

Chris Benjamin said...

thanks anon, thanks for dropping by!